Living A Fulfilling Life Following the Sacred Wheel

What Introverts Want Extraverts to Know About Them | It's Not You, It's Me

We live in an extravert dominated world. It can be hard for introverts to be seen and accepted for who they are. If you want to connect with the introvert in your life, you may benefit from some insights. Here are 30 things introverts want extraverts to know about them.

Introversion is not a problem that needs to be solved
All introverts are not the same
Introverts are often slow processors.
Silence is okay.
Social hangovers are a thing.
Introversion isn't about low self-esteem.
Introverts have social skills.
What others see as wishy washy could be self-care.
The introverted brain is different.
Introverts are harder to sway.
Lonely and alone are not the same things.
A pause is not an invitation to jump in.
Don't call me.
Don't ask personal questions if you're a stranger.
We hate ice breakers.
Everyone doesn't love surprises.
Don't mistake being quiet for apathy or ignorance.
It's not about you.
Writing is easier than talking.
We value deep conversations.
We might be bored. We're not boring.
We're not looking down on you.
We're not always mad.
We can't turn on at the flip of a switch.
It's none of your business.
I'm listening because I'm interested.
I want to be invited.
Pointing out my quirks is really uncomfortable.
I might push back hard if you're not getting it.
Just because I appear to be doing nothing doesn't mean I'm not busy.



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Host Laura Giles helps people become amazing humans by healing, knowing, loving, being, and sharing themselves. Laura draws on her experience as a trauma therapist, shadow work coach, and spiritual tour facilitator to make the magic happen easily and almost effortlessly.

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Host Bio: Laura Giles helps motivated earthlings develop meaningful, platonic connections . Through coaching, spiritual tours, and her online community, earthlings experience what natural, healthy connection feels like so they can once again embody it.

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