It's Not You, It's Me

Always On-the-Mark

This is what the world needs more of. Not more successful people, not more chief executives or captains, not more doctors, or lawyers. The world needs more people who act as if holding the world together; we need healers, lovers, artists, teachers, and story-tellers. Laura Giles not only talks about the hard topics that most people hold their breaths on, but she guides and teaches you to be able to do it too. What seems unbearable to utter out loud, Laura is gifted with creating and providing a safe and warm space for you to bare your soul at full volume. The sacred spaces and the community she builds, I have come to calling them my home. You can experience them and see for yourself.

Nov. 29, 2022 by Lanvi T Nguyen on This Website

It's Not You, It's Me